§ 1500-20-070. Parking Reductions  

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  • The County may grant an Administrative Permit for a reduction in the required minimum number of parking spaces specified on Table 1500-20-1 when one or more of the following conditions exist:


    Mixed-use/Joint Use Projects. Where mixed-use and/or joint use projects utilize shared parking facilities, a reduction in the required number of parking spaces may be granted subject to approval of a parking demand study that demonstrates:


    The application of the parking requirements in Table 1500-20-1, which is the sum of all the users within the project, will generate more parking stalls than are needed;


    The principal hours of operation and peak parking demands of the different tenants/uses within the project do not conflict and will effectively allow for dual use of parking spaces;


    The shared parking facility is within 500 feet from the uses which it serves; and


    That covenants, deed restrictions, or other agreements will be recorded to assure that the required parking spaces are maintained for shared use for the life of the project.


    Individual Use. For any use type where the required number of parking spaces seems unreasonable given the characteristics of the specific use, a reduction in the required number of parking spaces may be granted subject to approval of a parking demand study that, based upon field data of the same use elsewhere, demonstrates;


    The proposed use functions differently than the standard use type and associated parking standards established in this Chapter; and


    The appropriate number of required parking spaces for the use accounting for peak parking usage.


    Facilities and Programs. For any non-residential use type or project where facilities or programs are implemented which serve to reduce parking demand, a reduction in the required number of parking spaces may be granted subject to approval of a parking demand study that demonstrates:


    The proposed facilities and programs will result in a reduction in parking demand. Such facilities and programs may include, but are not limited to: shower/locker facilities for bicycle commuting employees; secure bicycle parking facilities over and above the minimum requirement; preferred parking spaces for employees who participate regularly in a carpool or vanpool; and/or proximity to an active transit facility.


    The appropriate reduction in required parking spaces based upon field data of the same use, facilities and programs elsewhere; and


    That covenants, deed restrictions, or other agreements will be recorded to assure that the facilities and programs resulting in the reduction in required parking demand are maintained for the life of the project.