§ 1500-19-040. Buffer Setbacks  

Latest version.
  • Table 1500-19-1 identifies recommended minimum agricultural buffer setbacks which are required to be provided on the property on which the new or expanded non-agricultural use or development (i.e. new residential subdivision, commercial or industrial use) is proposed. The minimum agricultural buffer setback shall be measured from the proposed non-agricultural project site to the property line of the adjacent agricultural property and may include the width of adjacent road right-of-ways, canals, or other similar features. These buffers shall not apply to accessory uses and structures such as shops, barns, ground mounted solar facilities, and other similar uses and structures.

    Crop/Type/Agricultural Use Minimum Buffer
    Rangeland/Grazing 50 feet
    Rice, field crops, orchards and vineyards 300 feet
    Wholesale Nurseries 300 feet
    Animal Husbandry 200 feet
    Dairies 500 feet
    Feed Lots 800 feet
    Slaughterhouses 1,000 feet