§ 1500-12-030. Operational and Performance Standards  

Latest version.
  • Home Occupations shall comply with the following standards:


    Relationship to Dwelling Unit. The home occupation shall be clearly incidental and subordinate to the primary residential use of the dwelling unit.


    Outdoor Storage Prohibited. Goods and materials associated with a home occupation shall be stored within an enclosed structure. The storage of flammable, combustible, or explosive materials shall be prohibited.


    Vehicles. No additional vehicles, except for those that would ordinarily be located at a place of residence, shall be permitted in conjunction with the home occupation.


    Performance Standards. Home occupations shall not generate dust, odors, noise, vibration, glare or electrical fluctuation or interference of radio and television reception that is perceptible beyond the property line.


    Deliveries. Deliveries and pick-ups for home occupations shall not exceed the volume normally associated with residential uses, shall not interfere with vehicle circulation, and shall occur only between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.


    Size. Home occupations shall be located within the dwelling unit, attached garage, or detached garage or accessory structure, and shall not occupy more than 25 percent of the gross floor area of the dwelling unit.


    Employees. Employees of a Home Office and a Minor Home Occupation shall be limited to the persons residing in the dwelling unit. Cottage Food Operations and Major Home Occupations are allowed one additional person in addition to those residing in the dwelling unit.


    Clients. No clients are permitted to visit a Home Office. Not more than six clients per day are permitted to visit a Minor Home Occupation. Not more than 10 clients per day are allowed to visit a Major Home Occupation. Hours for visits shall be between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.


    Building Code. Minor and Major Home Occupations shall comply with accessibility requirements of the California Building Code, including parking and path of travel into the dwelling.


    Parking. Major and Minor Home Occupations shall provide one additional off-street parking space beyond that required for the primary residential use, If a Major or Minor Home Occupation includes an outside employee, a second additional off-street parking space shall also be provided.


    Signage. Signage for home occupations shall be subject to Article 21.

( Ord. No. 1649, § 9, 5-22-2018 )