Sutter County |
Code of Ordinances |
Appendix 1500. ZONING |
Part 2. District Specific Regulations |
Article 8. Overlay and Combining Districts |
Chapter - 1500-08 |
§ 1500-08-060. Planned Development Combining District
Purpose. The Planned Development Combining District (-PD) is intended to encourage creative, diverse and efficient approaches to land use and development that are not readily accommodated by base zoning districts. The -PD Combining District enhances flexibility to customize allowed uses and associated development standards to reflect unique site conditions and project development objectives, economic development and housing diversification, efficient provision of infrastructure and services, protection of agricultural and natural resources, compatibility with adjacent uses, and compliance with General Plan policies. The -PD Combining District may implement any General Plan land use designation, and may be combined with any base zoning district.
Applicability. The regulations in this Section apply to all -PD Combining Districts, and may be applied to parcels of any size that are deemed suitable by the Board of Supervisors for proposed development. Adoption of a -PD Combining District shall be accompanied by a Development Plan, and shall be noted on the Zoning Map followed by the ordinance number adopting the district
Allowed Use Types. All use types that are permitted or require conditional approval of a Zoning Clearance, Administrative Permit or Use Permit by the base zoning district(s) may be permitted by a -PD Combining District. In establishing the District, the Board of Supervisors may: delete a permitted or conditionally permitted use type, may designate a conditional use type as permitted, or may require conditional approval for permitted use types.
Development Standards. In order to allow maximum flexibility in designing a project compatible with the purpose of this section, the Board of Supervisors may, in establishing a -PD Combining District, modify the following development standards:
Minimum lot size, depth and width
Minimum setbacks and yards
Maximum lot coverage
Maximum building and structure heights
Maximum wall and fence heights
Minimum landscaping requirements
Minimum off-street parking ratios
Sign standards
Other standards as determined by the Board of Supervisors.
If a development standard is not specifically addressed in the -PD Combining District, it shall be governed by the requirements of the base zoning district.
Development Plan. Adoption of a -PD Combining District shall be processed as a Rezone in accordance with Section 1500-25-070, and shall be accompanied by a Development Plan establishing the zoning requirements for all properties within the proposed District. The Development Plan shall be in addition to other concurrent or future entitlements required for project approval as established in Article 25. The Development Plan shall include:
Purpose. A statement regarding the purpose of the zone, its intended use and design character, how it will meet the purpose of the -PD Combining District (1500-08-060 A), and how it will comply with the General Plan;
Site Conditions. Map(s) and accompanying studies depicting existing topography, existing on-site structures and natural features, mature trees, wetlands, other significant vegetation and drainage patterns, agricultural resources, and adjacent uses.
Allowed Uses. A list of proposed use types, and their location on the property.
Development Standards. A list of development standards for main and accessory buildings, including: setbacks and yards, coverage, density and/or intensity, building and structure height, wall and fence height, landscaping, off-street parking, and signs;
Design Requirements. Graphic and written materials depicting conceptual site layout, architectural, landscaping, screening and other design provisions;
Circulation Plan. A map and narrative of the major circulation features within the site, including vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian, and transit facilities, as applicable;
Infrastructure Plan. A description of the infrastructure necessary to serve all properties within the -PD Combining District. If the area will not be adequately served by existing public infrastructure and facilities or through the adopted countywide impact fee program, the application shall include a public facilities financing plan that identifies the needed public improvements and establishes a plan to pay for and develop the required improvements; and.
Additional Information. Other information deemed necessary by the Director.
The Director may waive any of the information required by this section provided sufficient regulation is specified in the Development Plan to accomplish the purpose set forth in this Section. All proposed entitlements, development, improvements and uses within a -PD Combining District shall comply with the approved Development Plan.
Required Findings. The Board of Supervisors may approve an application for a -PD Combining District rezoning with the accompanying Development Plan considering the recommendations of the Planning Commission and subject to the following findings:
The proposed -PD Combining District and Development Plan are consistent with the goals, policies, and programs of the General Plan and any applicable specific plan.
The size and shape of the proposed -PD Combining District and Development Plan are adequate to accommodate proposed use types.
The proposed -PD Combining District and Development Plan have adequate existing or planned and funded access, infrastructure and utilities to accommodate the proposed use types.
The proposed -PD Combining District and Development Plan will not have a substantial adverse effect on surrounding property and will be compatible with the existing and planned land use character of the surrounding area.
The proposed -PD Combining District and Development Plan carry out the purpose of the Planned Development Combining Zoning District zone by providing for more creative, diverse and efficient approaches to land use and development.
Approval by Ordinance. If the Board of Supervisors approves the establishment of a -PD Combining Zone, it shall do so by adoption of an ordinance including reference to the Development Plan. The ordinance shall also include any other provisions that the Board of Supervisors finds to be necessary to constitute the regulations for use, maintenance, and improvements in the -PD Combining District.
Amendments to Development Plans. Amendments to or adoption of a new Development Plan may be made by the submission of a Development Plan pursuant to this section to the Planning Commission and shall be approved as specified in Article 23. If the proposed amendment is determined to be minor in nature, consistent with the character of the existing Development Plan and not a significant increase in intensity of the use of the site (e.g. expansion of the approved Development Plan with a less than 20 percent increase in floor area or parking demand), the amendment may be reviewed and approved with conditions, or denied by the Director through an Administrative Permit.
Expiration of Development Plan:
If construction of the project or use of the land as approved in the Development Plan, or the amended Development Plan, has not commenced within five years after the adoption of the Development Plan, or as otherwise provided in the Development Plan, the Development Plan shall expire and be null and void without further action of the County. Prior to expiration of a Development Plan, the property owner may request an extension of the initial time period for up to an additional five years. Such an extension may be made at the discretion of the Director, based upon a determination that no substantial changes have occurred since the original approval that would change the basis of the approval or associated project conditions.
Where a use, or a portion of a use, allowed by a Development Plan has been abandoned or discontinued for a period of six (6) months or more, then, without further action of the County, the use, or the portion of the use, which has been abandoned or discontinued shall expire and be null and void. The property owner may request reinstatement of the abandoned or discontinued use which shall be at the discretion of the Director to determine the appropriateness of such reinstatement. The Director may reinstate the use subject to the previously approved standards and conditions or direct the property owner to apply for an amendment to the development plan as provided for in Section 1500-08-060(H).