Sutter County |
Code of Ordinances |
Appendix 1500. ZONING |
Part 2. District Specific Regulations |
Article 7. Commercial and Employment Districts |
Chapter - 1500-07 |
§ 1500-07-040. Development Standards
Table 1500-07-2 identifies the development standards and allowed exceptions to those standards for Commercial and Employment Districts. Allowed use types and associated structures shall comply with the following in addition to any other applicable requirements of this Zoning Code:
Table 1500-07-2: DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND EXCEPTIONS P Permitted ZC Zoning Clearance Required AP Administrative Permit
UP Use Permit Required - Not PermittedGC CM EC M-1 M-2 Floor Area Ratio Maximum, FAR .35 .35 Commercial use types; .50 Industrial use types 35 Commercial use types; .50 Industrial use types .50 .50 Lot Size Minimum Lot Area Variable, as determined by the County based upon approved project type, design, and infrastructure needs. For all Commercial and Employment District lots that are served by individual water (well) and sewer (septic) systems, versus public or community systems, the minimum lot size shall be as required by the Environmental Health Division. Minimum Setbacks Front 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet Side, Interior None, except 20 feet adjacent to a Residential District None, except 20 feet adjacent to a Residential District None, except 20 feet adjacent to a Residential District None, except 20 feet adjacent to a Residential District None, except 50 feet adjacent to a Residential District Side, Street 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet, 15 feet, Rear None, except 20 feet adjacent to a Residential District None, except 20 feet adjacent to a Residential District None, except 20 feet adjacent to a Residential District None, except 20 feet adjacent to a Residential District None, except 50 feet adjacent to a Residential District Accessory Structures Per Article 10 Separation Between Buildings As required by County Building Code Setback Exceptions Architectural features such as cornices, eaves, awnings, fireplaces, bay windows and similar May encroach into any required setback a maximum of 3 feet, except that such projections shall not be nearer than 3 feet from any property line. Mechanical units such as air conditionings, heat pumps and power generating units May encroach into any required side or rear setback a maximum of 3 feet, except that such projections shall not be nearer than 3 feet from any property line. Unenclosed porches, stoops, entry courts, balconies, stairwells, and similar May encroach into any required front, street side, or rear setback a maximum of 10 feet, except that such projections shall not be nearer than 10 feet from any property line. Ramps and similar structures that provide access for persons with disabilities Reasonable accommodation will be made, consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act see Section 1500-25-110. Agricultural Buffers Buffering Standards Per Article 19 Building Coverage Maximum Building Coverage None None None None None Building Height Maximum Building Height Primary Structures 45 feet 45 feet 45 feet 50 feet 50 feet Accessory Structures Per Article 10 Building Height Exceptions Corner Lot Clear Vision Triangle On a corner lot, no fence, wall, hedge, sign or other structure, shrubbery, mounds of earth, or other visual obstruction over 30 inches in height above the top of the existing or planned curb elevation shall be erected, placed, planted, or allowed to grow within a clear vision triangle (see Article 27, Definitions). Trees shall maintain a minimum canopy clearance of 6 feet above curb elevation, Chimneys, towers, spires, domes, cupolas, and other architectural features Not to exceed 15 feet above the applicable height limit Water tanks, silos, granaries, cooling towers, and similar structures necessary to perform the intended function of the structure Not to exceed 25 feet above the applicable height limit Flag Poles Not to exceed the maximum height for the primary structure permitted, and shall maintain a minimum 5 foot setback from any property line. Wireless Telecommunication Facilities See Article 18 Other Laws and Regulations In addition to the above, all height limitations shall be subject to laws and regulations of the State and Federal Governments. Walls and Fences Within front or street side yard setbacks Maximum height of 3 feet 6 inches Outside of front or street side yard setbacks Maximum Height of 7 feet Traffic Site Distance Walls and fences shall be designed and constructed so as not to restrict vehicular traffic sight distance as determined by the Director. NOTES:
Measured from edge of adopted right-of-way. Where right-of-way is not recorded, the setback shall be measured 25 feet from edge of planned right-of-way per the adopted County Design Standards for the roadway as determined by the Director.
Measured from property line. Does not apply to common wall product types.
Measured from property line.
Measured as the vertical distance from the average level of the highest and lowest point of that portion of the lot covered by the building, to the highest point of the building roof, ridge, or parapet wall. See Article 2 for additional detail.
May not exceed FAR for associated General Plan Land Use designation.
(Ord. No. 1635, § 16, 6-27-2017)