§ 1500-06-010. Purpose  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Ranchette (RAN). The RAN District is intended to provide for large lot residential uses and small farms within rural portions of Sutter County outside of the Yuba City and Live Oak spheres of influence. Given potential impacts to agricultural lands and operations, as well as a General Plan Land Use policy, new allocations of this district are not permitted. Undeveloped areas with existing RAN zoning may develop in accordance with the regulations established herein, however, no future allocation of RAN zoning will be permitted. Lot line adjustments between existing Ranchette lots are allowed consistent with existing development standards, however, no further subdivision of existing Ranchette lots is permitted. The RAN District allows 0.1 to 0.3 dwelling units per gross acre (3 to 10 acre parcel size).


    Estate Residential (ER). The ER District is intended to provide for large lot single family homes and related uses. This district is to be applied to areas located within existing rural communities, new Rural Planned Communities, and unincorporated areas within the Live Oak sphere of influence and both the existing or possible future Yuba City sphere of influence. To avoid the premature conversion of agricultural lands and inefficient land use patterns, the amount of Estate Residential land use allocated within the County is limited in accordance with the General Plan and Section 1500-06-030(A), Estate Residential Rezoning. The ER District implements the General Plan Estates Residential (ER) land use designation, allowing 0.3 to 2 dwelling units per gross acre (0.5 to 3 acre parcel size).


    Single-Family Residential (R-1). The R-1 District is intended to provide for single-family residential neighborhoods and related uses within suburban and urban areas with adequate services and amenities to support a desirable and stable living environment. The R-1 District implements the General Plan Low Density Residential (LDR) land use designation, allowing 2 to 8 dwelling units per gross acre.


    Two-Family Residential (R-2). The R-2 District is intended to provide for a variety of small lot single-family and two family (duplex or halfplex) residential neighborhoods and related uses within suburban and urban areas with adequate services and amenities to support a desirable and stable living environment. The R-2 District implements the General Plan Low Density Residential (LDR) land use designation, allowing 2 to 8 dwelling units per gross acre.


    Neighborhood Apartment (R-3). The R-3 District is intended to provide for a variety of medium density attached and detached residential housing types, potential mixed use development, and related uses within suburban and urban areas with adequate services, transportation options, and amenities to support a desirable and stable living environment. The R-3 District implements the General Plan Medium Density Residential (MDR) land use designation, allowing 8.1 to 20 dwelling units per gross acre.


    General Apartment (R-4). The R-4 District is intended to provide for a variety of high density multiple-family housing types, potential mixed use development, and related uses within urban areas with high levels of services, amenities, multi-modal access, and proximity to jobs and services to support a desirable and stable living environment. The R-4 District implements the General Plan High Density Residential (HDR) land use designation, allowing 20.1 and above dwelling units per gross acre.