§ 1500-04-010. Establishment of Zoning Districts  

Latest version.
  • The County is divided into zoning districts as established by this Zoning Code. The districts, symbols, and General Plan land uses implemented by the districts are indicated on Table 1500-04-1.

    Zoning District General Plan Land Use Designation Implemented
    Agricultural, Recreation and Public Districts
    AG Agriculture AG-20, -40 & -80
    Agriculture 20, 40 and 80
    Open Space
    Agriculture Rural Community
    REC Recreation PR Park and Recreation
    OS Open Space
    P Public P Public
    AP Airport
    Residential Districts
    RAN Ranchette RAN Ranchette
    AG-20, -40 & -80 Agriculture 20, 40 and 80
    ER Estate Residential ER Estate Residential
    LDR Low Density Residential
    R-1 Single-Family LDR Low Density Residential
    ER Estate Residential
    R-2 Two-Family LDR Low Density Residential
    R-3 Neighborhood Apartment MDR Medium Density Residential
    R-4 General Apartment HDR High Density Residential
    Commercial and Employment Districts
    GC General Commercial COM Commercial
    CM Commercial-Industrial I/C Industrial/Commercial
    COM Commercial
    IND Industrial
    EC Employment Corridor EC Employment Corridor
    M-1 Light Industrial IND Industrial
    I/C Industrial/Commercial
    EC Employment Corridor
    M-2 General Industrial IND Industrial
    I/C Industrial/Commercial
    EC Employment Corridor
    Overlay and Combining Districts
    -SB Sutter Buttes Overlay AG-80 Agriculture 80
    -CR Commercial Recreation Overlay OS Open Space
    AG-20, -40 & -80 Agriculture 20, 40 and 80
    -SPSP Sutter Pointe Specific Plan Overlay Multiple Designations—Refer to Sutter Pointe Specific Plan
    -A Agricultural Combining ER Estate Residential
    LDR Low Density Residential
    -PD Planned Development Combining Multiple Designations
    -HP Historic Preservation Combining Multiple Designations
    FPARC Food Processing, Agricultural & Recreation Combining FPARC