§ 1500-03-110. Transportation, Communication, and Utilities Use Types  

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  • A.

    Aerial Services. Includes aerial services provided to agricultural operations or other businesses. Shall be classified into one of the following categories:


    Airports and Landing Strips. Includes facilities for the takeoff, landing and storage of small planes including those providing services to agricultural uses, such as aerial spraying and crop dusting.


    Heliports. Includes facilities providing for the takeoff and landing of helicopters serving agricultural, business, and commercial uses, or for life safety. Typical uses include business specific helipads, hospital helipads, and helicopter charter heliports.


    Community Facilities and Services. Includes public services, utilities and other facilities involving major structures or land areas required to support the community. Does not include uses defined under "Wireless Telecommunication Facilities" (1500-03-110(F)). Shall be classified into one of the following categories:


    Major. Includes public facilities generally determined to be compatible with surrounding uses. Typical uses include ambulance services, court houses, electric substations, governmental office centers, human or pet cemeteries, sheriff and fire stations, post offices, public libraries, regional power transmission lines, roads, sewer pump stations, water storage tanks/towers and reservoirs, transformers, and similar uses.


    Intensive. Includes public facilities that may have an objectionable effect on the surrounding uses due to dust, smoke, fumes, odors, light, noise, vibrations, storage of hazardous materials, or aesthetics. Typical uses include correctional institutions, corporation yards, electric receiving stations, fairgrounds, major flood control improvements, natural gas storage and pumping stations, power generating facilities, refuse transfer facilities, regional detention/retention basins, sanitary landfills, training facilities, water and wastewater treatment plants, and similar uses.


    Intermodal Transportation Services. Includes facilities primarily engaged in the transportation of persons. Typical uses include depots, dispatch centers, stations, yards, and other facilities for bus, train, taxi and/or other transportation modes.


    Parking Facilities. Includes publically or privately owned and operated parking lots, garages, park-and-ride facilities, and similar uses.


    Solar Energy Facilities, Commercial. Includes photovoltaic panels and other facilities used for the conversion of solar energy for the commercial sale of electricity. Does not include accessory systems that are primarily to supply energy to an on-site residential, agricultural, industrial or other permitted use.


    Wireless Telecommunications Facilities. Includes electromagnetic and photoelectric transmission, broadcast, repeater, and receiving stations for radio, television, telephone, cellular telephones, microwave communications, data network communications, and satellite based communications, such as antennas, dishes, towers, and monopoles. Does not include accessory home television and radio receiving equipment, satellite dishes, HAM radio antennas, or any wireless communication facility operated exclusively as part of a public safety network or specifically exempt from local regulation by state or federal law. Shall be classified into one of the following categories:


    Co-located. Includes the placement or installation of any wireless telecommunications facility on, or immediately adjacent to, an existing legally established wireless telecommunication facility.


    Integrated. Includes any wireless telecommunications facility directly affixed to a primary building, provided that all components of the facility are designed in a manner to be architecturally consistent with the building and meet all other Zoning Code requirements.


    Freestanding. Includes any freestanding wireless telecommunication facility including associated equipment buildings.