§ 1500-03-100. Industrial Use Types  

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  • A.

    Equipment and Materials Storage Yards. Includes the outdoor storage of construction equipment or machinery, company vehicles and fleets, or large quantities of other materials for use off-site. May include office and limited facilities for maintenance of equipment owned and operated by the business owner. Typical uses include contractor's storage yards, as well as yards and facilities for appliance service, building maintenance, janitorial, heating and air conditioning, landscaping, moving and storage, painting, pest control, plumbing, roofing, septic tank service, tree removal, and similar uses.


    General Truck Yards. Includes freight terminals and yards for goods transported by truck. Does not include "Agricultural Truck Yards" (1500-03-040(G)).


    Impound and Towing Yards. Includes the storage of inoperable vehicles for limited periods of time, within a secured enclosure. Does not include "Wrecking, Junk, Dismantling, Recycling, Pick-and-Pull, and Salvage" (Manufacturing, Heavy 1500-03-100(D)(3)).


    Manufacturing. Includes manufacturing, assembly, processing, or salvage of goods from finished products or raw materials. Shall be classified into one of the following categories:


    Light. Includes the manufacturing and assembly of finished products or parts, primarily taking place indoors using previously prepared materials, where such uses produce minimal impacts to surrounding land uses. Typical uses include clothing and fabric product manufacturing; commercial kitchens and bakeries; commercial laundry, dry-cleaning plants, and carpet cleaning plants; electronics, software, equipment, and appliance manufacturing; food and beverage packaging and services; ice making and food storage; indoor bulk product storage; manufacturing and assembling of small products primarily by hand, including jewelry, pottery and other ceramics; manufacturing and repair of small mechanical components and hardware; meat and fish cutting and packing provided no slaughtering; printing, publishing and lithography; photo processing labs; and similar uses. Accessory retail sales areas of products produced on-site are allowed. Does not include businesses primarily engaged in the sale of consumer products produced off-site.


    General. Includes indoor or outdoor manufacturing, assembly or processing where the intensity or scale of operations is greater than those classified under "Manufacturing, Light", but where impacts on surrounding land uses can typically be mitigated to acceptable levels. Typical uses include cutting, shaping, and finishing of marble, granite, slate, and other stone; indoor recycling collection, sorting, storage and processing; metal products fabrication, including machine, sheet metal and welding shops; production of clay and pottery products; production of glass products from manufactured glass; tire recapping; woodworking, cabinet making and furniture manufacturing; and similar uses.


    Heavy. Includes indoor or outdoor manufacturing, assembly or processing operations that necessitates the handling or storage of large volumes of hazardous, explosive or unsightly materials, or which produce dust, smoke, fumes, odors, light, noise, or vibrations at levels that would affect surrounding uses. Typical uses include automotive and heavy equipment manufacturing; cement or asphalt batch plants; composting and bio-mass facilities; gravel crushing and processing; hazardous material processing and disposal; manufacturing of chemical products and fertilizers; medical waste processing/incineration; paint removal and sandblasting; paving and roofing materials manufacturing; petroleum, natural gas, propane and other fuel refining and bulk storage or distribution; plastics, other synthetics, and rubber product manufacturing; primary metal industries including the smelting and refining of ferrous and nonferrous metals from ore, pig, or scrap; pulp and pulp product manufacturing, including paper mills; sawmills and planing mills; wrecking, junk, dismantling, recycling, pick-and-pull, and salvage yards; and similar uses.


    Research and Development. Includes facilities for scientific research, design, development, and testing of chemical, biotechnology, electrical, electronic, magnetic, medical, optical, and pharmaceutical components in advance of product manufacturing. May include assembly of related products from parts produced off-site where the manufacturing activity is secondary to the research and development. Typical uses include electronics research firms, pharmaceutical research laboratories, soils and materials testing laboratories, and similar uses.


    Warehousing, Wholesaling, and Distribution. Includes establishments used primarily for the storage, selling or distribution of goods to retailers, contractors, commercial purchasers, or to retail outlets of the same firm. Wholesalers are primarily engaged in business-to-business sales, but may sell to individual consumers through mail or internet orders.