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  • (a)

    Subdivider. Maps shall be prepared in accordance with the standards contained in this Chapter. Public improvements shall be designed in a manner consistent with the public improvement standards of the County. Maps shall be processed in accordance with these regulations.


    Development Services Department Director. The Development Services Department Director or designee shall analyze tentative maps to determine conformity with the General Plan, zoning code, design guidelines, and other regulations applicable to subdivision maps. Additionally, the Director or designee is responsible for the analysis of a project's environmental impacts and determining whether proposed public improvements are consistent with the provisions of applicable County standards and shall inspect, approve or disapprove the improvements and expeditiously process tentative, final and parcel maps.


    Other County Departments. Tentative maps shall be distributed to relevant county departments for review and comments.


    Planning Commission. The Planning Commission is the advisory agency to the Board of Supervisors and is charged with making investigations and reports on the design and improvements of proposed divisions of land. Any action by the Planning Commission to approve or disapprove a tentative map shall be final unless the decision is appealed to the Board of Supervisors as set forth in Section 1400-200 of this Chapter. Actions of the Planning Commission shall be reported directly to the applicant.


    Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors shall have final jurisdiction in the approval of final maps, any appeal filed on the tentative maps, and the establishment of requirements for the standards of design of public improvements that may be proposed for dedication as a result of the subdivision process.


    Subdivision Advisory Committee. A Subdivision Advisory Committee is established. It shall have the duty to: a) provide the subdivider with comments and potential conditions of approval from agencies and county departments; b) advise the subdivider of staff recommendations to the Planning Commission in a scheduled conference.


    County Surveyor. The County Surveyor shall examine all final and parcel maps and shall certify thereon that the map is substantially the same as the approved tentative map, the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and this Chapter have been complied with, and that the map is technically correct.


    Other Public Agencies. Tentative maps shall be referred for information and comment to special districts, governmental boards, bureaus, utility companies, and other agencies that provide public and private facilities and services to the proposed subdivision, and to such agencies that the Development Services Department Director determines may be affected.


    Other Public Agencies. Tentative maps shall be referred for information and comment to special districts, governmental boards, bureaus, utility companies, and other agencies that provide public and private facilities and services to the proposed subdivision, and to such agencies that the Development Services Department Director determines may be affected.

([1583] Ord. l584, Secs. 3, 4, May 28, 2013; Ord. No. 1650, § 1, 5-22-2018 )