§ 1400-525. STREET PATTERNS  

Latest version.
  • The street patterns in the subdivision shall be in general conformity with a plan for the most advantageous development of adjoining areas and the entire neighborhood or district. The following principles shall be observed:


    Where appropriate to the design, proposed streets shall be contiguous and in alignment with existing, planned or platted streets with which they are to connect.


    Proposed streets shall be extended to the boundary lines of the land to be subdivided, unless prevented by topography or other physical conditions, or unless, in the option of the Planning Commission, such extension is not necessary for the coordination of the subdivision with the existing layout or the most advantageous future development of adjacent tracts. A "No Access Rights" Certificate shall be shown on the final map where required by the Development Services Department Director.


    Where necessary to give access to or permit a satisfactory subdivision of adjoining land, streets shall extend to the boundary of the property and the resulting dead-end streets may be approved without turnaround or a temporary turnaround may be required which shall have a minimum radius of 40 feet. In all other cases, a turnaround shall have a minimum right-of-way radius of 50 feet and a curb radius of 40 feet.


    Culs-de-sac shall be designed in accordance with the following standards:


    Within a city sphere of influence or the Sutter Pointe Specific Plan, no cul-de-sac shall exceed 600 feet measured from the center of the turnaround to the centerline of the intersecting street.


    Culs-de-sac serving fewer than 20 dwellings, or other uses that, in total, generate fewer than 200 Average Daily Trips (ADT), shall not exceed 1,100 feet in length, measured from the center of the turnaround to the centerline of the intersecting street, subject to approval by the applicable fire service authority.


    Culs-de-sac serving 20 or more dwellings or other uses that, in total, generate 200 or more Average Daily Trips (ADT), shall not exceed 600 feet in length, measured from the center of the turnaround to the centerline of the intersecting street.


    Proposed streets shall intersect one another as nearly at right angles as the conditions and other limiting factors of good design shall permit.


    Excessively long straight standard subdivision streets, conducive to high speed traffic, are to be discouraged.


    The centerlines of all streets wherever practicable shall be the continuation of the centerlines of existing streets or shall be offset at least 200 feet.

([1583] Ord. 1585, Sec. 2, May 28, 2013; Ord. No. 1650, § 6, 5-22-2018 )