Sutter County |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 1250. AIRPORT ZONING |
§ 1250-050. HEIGHT LIMITS
Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter no structure or tree shall be erected, altered, allowed to grow, or maintained in any airport approach zone, airport turning zone, or airport transition zone, to a height in excess of the height limit herein established for such zone. For the purpose of this regulation, the following height limits are hereby established for each of the zones in question.
APPROACH ZONE NO. ONE shall have a maximum height limit of zero feet at a distance of 200 feet from the end of the runway, zero feet for purposes of this Code being the elevation of the highest point on the usable landing area. The maximum allowable height shall be increased at the rate of one foot vertically to each 20 feet horizontally to a maximum height of 150 feet.
TRANSITION ZONES NO. ONE, NO. TWO are inclined planes with a slope of seven feet horizontally to one foot vertically measured upward and outward in a vertical plane at right angles to the center line of the runway. These planes extend from the edge of Approach Zone No. One to a maximum height of 150 feet.
TURNING ZONE NO. ONE comprises all areas other than those above mentioned within a 5,000 foot radius of the Airport Reference Point. Maximum height limit within all portions of this zone is 150 feet.
TURNING ZONE NO. TWO comprises all those areas outside the 5,000 foot radius above mentioned but within a radius of 8,000 feet of the Airport Reference Point. The maximum height limit in this zone is a conical surface extending upward and outward from the periphery of Turning Zone No. One with a slope of 20 feet horizontally to one foot vertically measured in a vertical plane passing through the Airport Reference Point.
(Ord. 244, Sec. 6; Jan. 19, 1962)