The ETC shall complete an Annual Transportation Mode Survey & Status Report. The purpose of this Report is to verify the dates and results of the mitigation measures specified in the Transportation Plan.
Annual Transportation Mode Survey. The survey portion of the Report requires the ETC to annually perform a transportation survey of employees. A standard form will be provided to determine the changes in the distribution of employees using various transportation modes in comparison with the baseline information. The transportation survey shall include information such as origin and destination of travel, transportation mode used, work schedule, and interest in alternative mode commuting. A survey response rate of 75% is required to ensure the significance of the results. The surveys distributed by the ETC shall be available for audit following the completion of the Annual Report.
Status Report. The Status Report portion shows the mitigation measures included in the Transportation Plan with the implementation or completion date entered for each measure. If a measure was not implemented within the stated time frame, an explanation as to why it was not done shall be included. If there are certain measures stipulated in the previous Transportation Plan that are believed to no longer be feasible, an explanation shall be included.
Compliance Program. Description and documentation of compliance with mitigation measures described in the Transportation Plan, including details of individual programs.
Commute Characteristics. Status report on effectiveness of Transportation Plan as shown by the commute characteristics of employees. Specifically, this includes the monthly average number of employees regularly arriving at and leaving the employment site by each of the following modes of transportation:
Single passenger motor vehicles (including mopeds);
Carpools, including number of vehicles and number of occupants per vehicle;
Van-type vehicles with seven or more commuters including the number of vehicles and number of occupants per vehicle;
Mass transit;
Flexible Work Location/Telecommuting;
All others.
Totals. The monthly average number of employees by work shift at the employment site.
Employee Characteristics. The zip code and nearest cross streets of each employee's residence.
Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC). The name, address, and telephone number of the ETC.
Statement of Certification. The employer shall certify that the TCMs agreed to for trip reduction credit have been fully implemented. If the TCMs have not been implemented, an explanation shall be included, and the Annual Transportation Survey & Report shall include actions to be taken to implement the program.